Some new models

Howdy there,

Today I've been creating more assets to flesh out the facility. I'd never have thought that coming up with ideas what should be in the office is gonna be so hard. All the cabinet drawers are opened separately, lockers in my opinion look kind of wrong but I tried adding different details to them and it didn't help much  (I managed to turn them into among us looking pieces of furniture which isn't the best while going for horror atmosphere).

Also I am grinding to a halt since I have some ideas for puzzles but their implementation with my current unity knowledge is rather difficult... I need to sit down and learn some more C# and read unity documentation (plus those pdfs I mentioned earlier) but it is really hard to bring myself to it, hope I will find some strength for it this week though.

And I'm not gonna lie I was slacking last couple of days due to my sleeping schedule going severely out of hand (I was going to sleep at 10am and waking up around 9pm which isn't ideal to say the least) and my overall laziness, but now my sleeping hours are coming back to normal so the project should be advancing at way faster pace.
Thanks to everyone who played the demo, and I can't wait to show You more of my progress.

Have wonderful Christmas You all and see You in next dev log :D

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